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The psychiatric results are expected at the end of August and the ruling could come down in the fall. Once the assessment is completed, Way could be declared a long-term offender, which means he would be monitored on a sex offender registry for the rest of his life.Īt a sentencing hearing on Thursday, Crown lawyer Jill Cameron argued Way - who has no prior convictions for child porn - should be assessed by a psychiatrist as a first step towards the designation because he poses a risk of potentially harming more children in the future.Ĭrown lawyers can move forward with the long-term offender application only after the results are known. A judge has ordered a Toronto man convicted in a child pornography investigation to undergo a 60-day psychiatric assessment to determine his risk.īrian Way, 44, was convicted on May 12 of making, possessing, publishing, distributing, exporting, and importing child pornography.

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